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In every moment we are either shrinking out of fear or expanding into love.


Hi, you!

Life is one big beautiful wild ride. Epic peaks and valleys that frankly scare the living daylights out of most of us. A lot of us have figured out ways to avoid living it. Or we've lived it according to someone else's expectations and put our own soul song on hold.


I get it. I spent nearly 40 years of my life hiding away from really having to show up and feel anything at all. And then Boom. I couldn't hold back anymore. The pain and regret of not living a life true to me felt worse than staying small. My life imploded. It was messy. I felt crazy. It felt reckless. But every time I checked in with my heart it kept saying Yes. Yes, your dreams are not too big for you. Yes, you were made for more. Yes, it's possible to shift into something new with compassion and love instead of fear and anxiety.


You are not alone in wanting more. And you don't have to be alone as you navigate all the newness. It doesn't have to be scary and out of control and overwhelming. 


In fact, you can ride the waves of change while feeling grounded in your body and unconditionally accepted in your wholeness.


You can renegotiate your relationships with challenging emotions and begin to find peace in emotional fluidity.


You can take your power back. Own your experience. Create your life with deliberate loving intent.


I'm doing it. And I'm here to help you do it too.

Let's do it together.


This program is a profoundly safe &  sacred container where you get to:


– Come home to the wisdom of your body. Feel your way into more sensitivity and connection as you gently awaken to your authentic and soulful self.


– Heal from the bottom up - unlike the top down talk therapy approach, this program dives deep into the embodied subconscious realms of emotion, imprinted belief systems, and sensational awareness for integration and lasting change.


– Get clarity around what you really want, see your desires as sacred, and step fully into their realization. 


– Heal old patterns of shame, unworthiness, lack and limitation so you can come into your highest state of self expression and share your gifts with the world.


– Unwind misaligned conditioning and choose new ways of being that nurture and support your nervous system.


– Feel safe to thrive in your joy and pleasure.

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In this program you will receive

  • TEN 75-minute weekly private sessions focused exclusively on aligning your beliefs with your desires. Deeply intensive coaching focused on getting you to your next level.

  • 1-on-1 Voxer access and email correspondence with me throughout the duration of the program.

  • Highly transformative pleasure practices to awaken your heart and activate the bliss in your body.

  • Safe space - A sacred container held in unconditional love for Inner Alchemy & Personal Transformation to occur.

  • Profoundly deep healing practices to integrate fear, shame, guilt and past conditioning so you can know your inherent worth and feel the joy of Who You Really Are.

  • Empowering practices to feel fully alive and vibrant in your body mind heart and soul.

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My transformational process includes


  • Clarifying desires – What do you really want? And where are you holding resistance to it?

  • Connecting to Body – sensation awareness, felt sense, embodiment work, breathwork tools. Deep healing practices tapping into the power of the subconscious mind to unwind misaligned conditioning and choose new ways of being that nurture and support your nervous system.

  • Deep Inner Healing – Opening into Love + Acceptance - Integrating lost or disowned pieces of the self, Empowering the Source within.


This Program is intentionally designed to give you optimal results. Each weekly session will provide new tools and practices you can use to re-wire your nervous system, shift your old patterns and create lasting positive change in your life.


The Program Overview:

  • Week 1: The Desire System

  • Week 2: The Integration Adventure

  • Week 3: Liberating the Family Dynamic

  • Week 4: Embracing the Inner Child

  • Week 5: Creating a Thriving Sexual Ecology

  • Week 6: Movement As Medicine

  • Week 7: Getting What You Desire

  • Week 8: Finding Emotional Empowerment

  • Week 9: Journey into the Self

  • Week 10: Vibrant and Healthy Relationships


“Working with Laura has been one of the most profoundly insightful journeys in my life. I had been in therapy for years, and was familiar with the “why” behind my issues and behaviors, but Laura really touched at the heart of what was going on under the surface. From guided meditations, to beautifully intense exercises in communicating with my inner child, I now have a path to healing my past traumas. Laura helped me to understand my reactions to my triggers and develop ways to heal and re-wire my brain. Anyone considering working with her, DO IT! It will change your life for the better.”


-Allie U.

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© 2021 Love & Magic, LLC

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